Free Patterns

Welcome. if you are here looking for free patterns you will find them listed in a menu on the right of this page. You may have to scroll down. Click on what interests you. A page will come up with the pattern. Click on "File" in the upper left hand corner. Then click on "download original". If you like what you see click on "save a copy " in the floating toolbar at the bottom of the page. I hope the pattern makes up for these extra steps. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Knitter's Dilemma

I promised you a new doll, and I am working on it. However, I am afraid I have been sidetracked. I ran across an e book at Knitting Daily that has captured my interest,and I couldn't wait to start on one of the patterns. The book is Knit Kimono by Vickie Square. The book contains the history of kimonos and drawings of different styles as well as eighteen patterns that are simple but will knock your socks off. Well what is one to do? Be responsible and finish the project on which one is working or download the book and immerse oneself in the designs? I, of course, did just that and have even started one of Vickie's lovely patterns.

I have, however, completed the following for the little doll. A dress, shoes and socks, nightgown, slippers, sweater and play suit. She also now has a leotard, tutu and ballet slippers for those trips to dance class. So you see, I haven't been entirely remiss.

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