Free Patterns

Welcome. if you are here looking for free patterns you will find them listed in a menu on the right of this page. You may have to scroll down. Click on what interests you. A page will come up with the pattern. Click on "File" in the upper left hand corner. Then click on "download original". If you like what you see click on "save a copy " in the floating toolbar at the bottom of the page. I hope the pattern makes up for these extra steps. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Baby

Well, I am now a great-great-grandmother. The baby, a boy, was born this morning. Although a month early he is healthy and weighs a little over five pounds. Our great-granddaughter is fine and had an easy time of it.

I have posted some pictures of my latest design. She will be available soon as a download at Knit Picks.

This is Emily.

Emily in sleeper ready for nap. She has had a busy day.

Emily sitting apparently contemplating her navel. Time for a snack.

Emily playing peek a boo and hiding from Mom under an old blanket.

Emily wearing her gown and bonnet and looking very cute.


  1. Congratulations!

    And Emily looks great too!

  2. Thanks. We are getting such a large family a reunion would look like the Iowa State Picnic.

    I think Emily turned out well. Am working on a garden fairy at the moment.
