Free Patterns

Welcome. if you are here looking for free patterns you will find them listed in a menu on the right of this page. You may have to scroll down. Click on what interests you. A page will come up with the pattern. Click on "File" in the upper left hand corner. Then click on "download original". If you like what you see click on "save a copy " in the floating toolbar at the bottom of the page. I hope the pattern makes up for these extra steps. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Family Ties

I suppose some of you thought I had abandoned this blog as it had been so long since I posted anything. I know you will understand when I tell you there was a death in the family which made it difficult to think about live's more mundane things. However, I am back and with some good news. I am going to be a great-great-grandmother. That's right, two greats in front of the grandmother thing. When the baby is born in May he will make five generations of our family on this planet at the same time. I don't know how the planet feels about this, but we think it is pretty cool. There were five generations when I was born, so I have come full circle.


  1. Sorry to hear about the reason you were taken away from blogging.

    But you came back with great-great-news indeed. Congratulations! Keep us up to date!

  2. That's amazing! Congratulations!

  3. Hi tinebeest and Lisa,

    Thanks. I think it is pretty amazing myself. Got the obligatory knit stuff from Grandma off in the mail today. Will post an announcment when the baby arrives.
