Some years ago I formed a group that knitted for charity. One of the ways we stayed in touch was through a newsletter I published each month. I got into the habit of coming up with a knitting limerick for each issue . I know, limericks are the lowest form of poetry, but I thought this one might bring a smile to someone's face as it concerns a problem all knitters have, the family member, usually the husband, who comes in and interrupts you while knitting. Here it is.
Don't bother me sweet 'cause I'm counting
Please, just take a seat 'cause I'm counting
Whatever your fate
It will just have to wait
'Til this row I complete 'cause I'm counting.
Free Patterns
Welcome. if you are here looking for free patterns you will find them listed in a menu on the right of this page. You may have to scroll down. Click on what interests you. A page will come up with the pattern. Click on "File" in the upper left hand corner. Then click on "download original". If you like what you see click on "save a copy " in the floating toolbar at the bottom of the page. I hope the pattern makes up for these extra steps. Enjoy.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Over the years as my family got larger I seem to be knitting more and more socks. I like making socks so have not found this a problem. Recently I have been getting requests for flip flop socks from all the younger family members. Since we live in California with another branch in Florida, flip flops are worn winter and summer by many in the family. I've been getting requests for the pattern from people who have seen a family member wearing their socks. So here it is. Good for yoga classes, to show off your pedicure and, of course, to keep your feet warm in flip flops. You will find the pattern listed under "Free Patterns".

Friday, July 16, 2010
New Free Pattern Links
I am currently changing the links to the free patterns. They will be stored in Google Documents and will be accessible by clicking on the name in the menu as before. However, when I am done just the pattern in PDF format will come up. You can then print it or download it. If you download a pattern it will show up in the Adobe Reader you are accustomed to. Save it and print it at your leisure. I should be done with the changes in a couple of days. More free patterns are coming so keep checking back.
Well, once I got going I got done sooner than anticipated. All the patterns currently listed have links to a PDF of that pattern.
Well, once I got going I got done sooner than anticipated. All the patterns currently listed have links to a PDF of that pattern.
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